Beau may have thought he was being clever when he named his new boat “The Beau-t”, but it’s causing quite the commotion on the waterways. According to witnesses, Beau is constantly having to correct people on how to pronounce the name of his boat.

“It’s not ‘beauty’ or ‘bow-t’, it’s just ‘boat’!” Beau reportedly shouted at a passing kayaker who had pronounced the name incorrectly.

But it’s not just other boaters who are confused. Beau’s family and friends have also been scratching their heads at the unusual name choice. “It took me a few minutes to figure out what he was saying,” said Beau’s cousin.

Despite the confusion, Beau seems to be enjoying the attention his boat is getting. He’s been spotted wearing a t-shirt with “The Beau-t” emblazoned on the front.

As for the boat itself, witnesses say it’s a sight to behold. “I have to admit, it’s a pretty sweet boat,” said one passing boater.

So if you see a boat with “The Beau-t” written in big letters on the side, be sure to pronounce it correctly – or else you might get an earful from Beau himself.